I am a certified Neuroscience Coach and certified Life Coach for Christian women - women who are experiencing anxiety or fear, struggling in their marriage, yelling at their kids, stuck in debilitating grief, dealing with insecurities, dealing with relationship conflict, are looking for their life's purpose, and all kinds of other things - you know, Christian women living life.
And they're wondering where the peace and joy of life is they're supposed to be living.
These are the women I help to find freedom in their lives.

As a Life Coaching client, you will learn how to gain back control of your emotions that seem to be running away with you. You'll become a woman who is able to face even the most challenging circumstances, feeling empowered with clarity, assuredness, and purpose you may feel you have lost.
My specialty is combining brain science with Biblical faith for mental well-being. It is my firm belief that the problem you have doesn't matter when you bring your faith in God (even "mustard seed" faith) and the power of His Word to this work in order to truly heal.
I offer one-on-one personal coaching via Zoom, and will teach you my step-by-step process so that you'll feel confident and excited about creating a beautiful life for yourself, regardless of your circumstances.
Together, we'll expose the lies that are keeping you stuck. We'll reframe stories of the past, discover your beliefs about yourself, your future, and your relationship with God, and use all the tools we have to transform you into someone who lives out of truth, not lies. Together, we'll take the next best steps in living a beautiful life.

In 2017, after the tragic death of my husband of 30 years, I found myself in a place of despair, overwhelm, and vulnerability like I had never experienced before.
I had no idea how I would go on, much less believe I could live a beautiful life again.
Brian was my best friend, and we did everything together. And when he died, I felt like I died with him. All our dreams died, too.
I just knew my life was over.
But God met me there in the midst of the darkness and despair and whispered,
"Tricia, you can have another beautiful life.It may not look like the life you'd hoped or dreamed.But it can be beautiful and it can be good."

Jen's coaching experience
"When I first came to Tricia, I was a mess and shell of my former self, the much loved child of God, created in His image.
After almost 8 years of struggle, I knew I needed help. I could no longer try to power through. Even though well-meaning family would tell me, “you’re strong”, I knew it was no longer the case.
God began working on me that I needed help, and I reached out to Tricia. I have been in counseling with my son -for him -over the years, but this was so much better and different. Tricia is a Christian. She has also walked through a lot of hard things, and could totally relate to my struggles. So, with God, me, and Tricia, the journey began toward my healing.
I was willing to do whatever it took and put the hard work in which is also necessary to have success. On the first day, she started me on the simple tools and actions steps to take every day. Everything began to turn around immediately. The sessions, her podcast, me digging really deep with her, and being honest about myself, changed everything. God healed me with Tricia‘s help. I finally feel like I am back on track to living the life that God created me to live.
Over the years before I saw her, I lost both of my parents. I lost my mother initially, and became a caregiver for my father, while caring for my own family, who were school-aged at the time. Also, one of my children began to have anxiety issues, and there were a lot of struggles that I felt like were taking me under and eventually paralyzed me.
Now, I have hope. Tricia is a fabulous Life Coach, please reach out to her for true change, and hope for your life going forward. Our God is a God of hope, and he wants this for you."
~ Elise M.
"Prior to life coaching with Tricia I was struggling with the loss of my only living parent and questioning my purpose in life. Through coaching with Tricia my life was absolutely changed. She helped me gain perspective on my past and taught me how to use that to change my future. She helped equip me with a toolbox for life.
I began this journey with the mindset that I was at the mercy of my thoughts, and Tricia helped me see that I have control over those thoughts and can reframe them for my good and God’s glory. My favorite part of coaching with Tricia is her reliance on God’s Holy Spirit. There isn’t an aspect of my life that hasn’t changed
thanks to Tricia’s influence. I now have freedom I’ve never experienced and feel equipped to live another beautiful life!"
~ Emily House
"After struggling with out-of-control emotions, depression, fear, and a whole host of other unpleasant and unsustainable issues, I signed up with Tricia.
I had tried traditional counseling and was told I was “doing all the right things, just hang in there” and even by one Christian therapist , “Be patient, God is in control!” It sure didn’t feel like that to me!
Meanwhile, I was frustrated and sad and frankly, desperate!
I knew Tricia, as a friend, and decided to call her and see if she could help me in what I just knew was a super unique and terrible situation involving a family member. Honestly, I doubted she could help me even after I explained my situation. Her response surprised me. She told me she could give me tools from day one to help. It felt like it was a life-line, and I would discover in the months to come that it was exactly that.
At each session, she invited the Holy Spirit to lead and guide our conversation. And it didn’t matter what issue had come up that week in my crazy life, she was prepared! She was compassionate with me and so level headed when all I could do was cry. And there were so many tears over those months.
I felt completely comfortable sharing my messy situations, my anger at times, and even hopelessness with Tricia. Without judgement she taught me so much about my own brain and basically how to thrive even when my circumstances that caused the upheaval in my life did not change. She gave me better ways to think and react. Bless her heart, she had to patiently repeat, repeat, repeat, until it finally sunk in and then all of a sudden, it clicked.
I truly have a different mindset after working with Tricia. When life throws a curve ball at me or I’m triggered, I can recall her sweet voice and instructions and implement the tools she gave me. I really don’t have words to express my gratitude for all she has done for me. And I so want others to experience the life changing guidance she has to offer. "
~ LC
"I signed up for life coaching a few months after losing my husband of 38 years to cancer. I had never lived on my own and was in such a widow’s fog. I missed the “family unit”. Life coaching, with Tricia, pulled me through the fog and she gave me lifelong tools to help me through the down times. I have realized the grieving will always be there. But it’s ok. It’s ok to grieve and go to the store. It’s ok to grieve and travel. It’s ok to grieve and smile at the same time, have joy again and most importantly to trust God again. I would try and pray and nothing came to mind to say. It seemed like the prayers for my husband were answered, then taken away. But those conversations have started again. I find grace and peace every time. His plan for me is perfect. It always has been and always will be.
Tricia also helped me with relationships within my own family. To learn to accept them and understand them and how to find the Ah Ha moment when I was struggling with them.
I’m still a work in progress but I’m going to be ok. I’ve come out on the other side. Thank you Tricia. You’ve started me on my way again."
~ Paula Trout
"Before Life Coaching I struggled with low self esteem and a lot of fear. The Lord revealed even more struggles while going through the sessions. Life coaching helped me with finding my voice when it comes to family and setting boundaries. Tricia has given me tools to solve problems/ struggles, emotional issues and getting to the root cause of my thoughts or emotions.
I love how Tricia is neutral in all situations and stories being told in the sessions. She isn’t judgmental at all but very honest and real in the advice she gives and it always comes from a place of love.
After experiencing Life Coaching I feel so much more in tune with my feelings and emotions. I have the tools to go through a situation well. The Lord has used Tricia’s coaching techniques to allow me to pinpoint where my fears come from, which was important to Him because it gave me freedom in Him!
It feels amazing to grow, to learn about myself, to heal, and to be able to walk and speak in confidence because of the healing The Lord allowed through Tricia. I’m so thankful for Tricia and how much she truly wants to see women walking in freedom & The Lord wants that for us too!"
~ CG
"I was really struggling with various things going on in my life. Tricia's insightful coaching helped me first by prioritize the most urgent. She gave one very helpful brain hack that got me through some of my darkest nights and is something I will continue to use FOREVER! What I most appreciated most about Tricia is that she listened with a non-judgmental spirit. Her prayers for me and my family were heart-felt and genuine. During our final session together, she read back to me what I had hoped to accomplish. With a big smile on my face and on hers we both rejoiced in the fact that I had done it! Today I am at peace with where my life is headed. Tricia is a gem! She guided me in remembering that God does indeed have a plan for ME! A life in order with purpose is a great life that honors God, myself, my family and is able to give to others!"
~ Dede Murff
"Since about the time of the delivery of my second child, (24 years ago) I began to develop symptoms of anxiety, panic attacks and claustrophobia. By 2021, I was riddled with fear that I could no longer go to the grocery store by myself, sit through a church service or commit to any major events, because I didn't know how I would feel on any given day. When I reached out to Tricia in October 2021 I didn't know if she could help me, but I felt the Lord leading me to her. I began her 12 week program and by week 3, I was able to go to the store and sit through a church service. By week 4, I went to a women's weekend retreat! The tools that Tricia gave me help me redirect my brain towards new thought patterns and behaviors. Tricia is a godly, no-nonsence coach with practical advice and biblical counsel. She has changed my life, and I'm so grateful that the Lord used her for my healing."
~ Eunice Schmidt
"As an athlete in my youth, and a sports coach as an adult, I have a certain mindset about coaching. As an athlete, I learned to appreciate my coach pushing me to do things I may not have liked or wanted to do - running sprints, skill drills over and over, practicing plays…you get the point. As I grew as an athlete, I saw how those simple things over and over is what made me a great athlete and able to compete successfully in games - what once was hard had become natural, and I was freed to play with passion and fun. That's what Tricia's coaching has done for me in life. The skills she teaches are few and simple. No matter where I tried to wander off, she would constantly bring me back to the work - the skills, and keep running me through the drills just like at sports practice. I was kind of a slow learner, but she was so patient with me, and never once seemed frustrated, which meant a lot to my insecure heart. Over time the skills became more ingrained and I was beginning to feel the freedom they brought me. I had a week where everything was put to the test - it was game time! What once would have made made me crumble under the weight and pressure, was actually enjoyable and fun! With Tricia's coaching I have so much freedom and JOY, in circumstances that were once crushing and grief-filled."
~ Katrina R.
"I was stuck in a rut and just totally unaware of how to break free from a pattern of false belief that had kept me in destructive or unhealthy patterns of behavior. Tricia took me under her guidance in a time when I was very hurt and hurting the very ones that were trying to help. She was gracious and loving, yet firm - showing me the Grace and Love of God. When I was in pain and felt alone, she supported me. I learned to feel safe, loved, and connected - with others and with Christ. Those life lessons she taught me during my most difficult times help me now, and I continue to grow in my personal, spiritual, and professional life.
If this resonates with you, I strongly suggest allowing Tricia Zody to walk with you in this life journey. Tricia brings her gifts of unconditional love, grace, and biblical principles to life in such an authentic place that is powerful and effective."
- Patti Funk
"Having Tricia for a life coach has been a True Blessing from God. Her encouragement, direction and understanding of The Bible helped guide me towards a more Purpose Driven Life. If you feel Like something is missing in your life or Spiritual life, Tricia can help set you on the path to freedom and healing through coaching and prayer."
- LynEllen Clary
"I found Tricia just when I hit rock bottom in my marriage. She helped me see those places where I had been believing lies and gave me the tools to work through my issues that kept me from loving my husband the way I really wanted to. I'm so grateful for her patience and compassion with me. My husband and I are doing well and are celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary next month."
- S. Brown
"Honestly, I wasn't sure if Life Coaching was for me. It's not always easy for me to open up. But Tricia has a knack for listening without judgment, which put me at ease right away. There was so much pressure and stress in my life, and after our first session together I felt like a load of bricks was lifted off my shoulders. My life has been changed and I'm able to handle things now with so much more peace. Thank you, Tricia!"
- Mom of Four
“Tricia is such a blessing and so is Another Beautiful Life Coaching. She taught me simple exercises and gave me the tools I needed to help process my thoughts and circumstances. I feel better prepared to face any hardship that comes my way and I thank Tricia for that!”
- Cassie Schotanus